Read the final draft
design guidelines!
The final draft of the MacArthur Park Design Guidelines is now ready to be considered for adoption. A Historic District Commission public hearing will be held September 5, 2024, in the Board Room at City Hall, 500 W. Markham, Little Rock, 72201, at 4:00 p.m. We invite you to attend the meeting to hear a public presentation from the Lakota Group and participate in the public hearing process to consider the adoption of the proposed Guidelines. If you would like to submit a comment on the item before the public hearing, please provide your comment in writing to hratzlaff@littlerock.gov or to the Planning & Development Department at 723 W. Markham at least 24 hours before the public hearing. There will also be a set time for public comment at the meeting for those that are able to attend.
2024 MacArthur Park Historic District Design Guidelines Comprehensive Update
The City of Little Rock, Arkansas has a rich diversity of historic buildings, structures, and sites representative of the quintessential southern city, with charming and architecturally eclectic homes. The MacArthur Park Historic District embodies these qualities, having irreplaceable resources that define the city’s history and image. To help preserve these assets, the City of Little Rock has embarked on a comprehensive update to the historic district’s design guidelines.

The updated Design Guidelines for the MacArthur Park Historic District will focus on the conservation and maintenance of the unique architecture, features, and characteristics found in the District. Further, the Guidelines will provide standards and recommendations for property maintenance, material and architectural feature preservation, and compatible infill development in relation to the overall historic character of the District.
A successful Design Guidelines document depends on community input. As stewards of this remarkable heritage, the Little Rock Historic District Commission asks you to share your perspectives on preserving the past while shaping a vibrant future for the District.
Get Involved and help shape macarthur parks future
We want your input! The spirit of community involvement is at the heart of this project. We invite residents and stakeholders to actively participate in this design guidelines planning process. Your voice matters; your insights are welcome!
We are committed to transparency. We would love to hear your thoughts and invite you to reach out to our team with any ideas or concerns. Click on the link below to leave a comment!